What to wear on your skiing holiday
The sun might be shining but it takes low, low temperatures to stop that lush snow from turning to slush. There’s nothing more uncomfortable than feeling like your toes are about to break off, or having your teeth chatter all the way down a mountain. If, like me, you tend to really feel the cold – here’s a fail safe list of clothes that will keep you snug all day. Start with a layering mindset. You’ll want to be able to add or remove layers during the day. Word of warning, this list isn’t a nice to have – all the items here are essential if you want to be safe and comfortable on your trip. (If you’re based in the UK click here for a more relevant list)
– Thermal Underwear: Pick thermals that are made of synthetic fibre and not cotton as these will stay warm when wet. You also want them to be close to your body for extra comfort. Here’s a good example of Thermal Underwear
that’s made for skiing.
– A synthetic, tight fitting roll neck. Again – avoid cotton here to make sure your polo neck doesn’t hold on to your sweat and make you colder instead of warmer. You can get yours here
– Tight-fitting, warm Ski Socks. It’s useful to have these slightly thicker if you’re renting ski boots instead of buying your own as this well help to add comfort. The most important thing is that the socks are tight so that they don’t create wrinkles when you’re wearing them, otherwise the wrinkles will be pressed into your skin by the tight ski-boots (yes the dastardly ski-boots are the source of most discomfort when skiing) which will become quite painful.
– A fleece. Most people don’t add a fleece but if you really feel the cold like me, it’s a good extra layer to have.
– Ski Pants a.k.a. salopettes. These are special trousers that are waterproof, warm and have a special inner layer that prevents snow from getting in.
– A wind-proof, light weight Ski Jacket.
– Ski-gloves. These are warmer than normal gloves and have a rubber grip on the outside. These are the only thing that will stand between your fingers and frostbite so make sure you get a good pair. I love this pair
as you can keep them while you take photos with your phone.
– Fleece Snood / Scarf Neck Warmer : A super useful round tube that you wear around your neck. You can lift it over your mouth on really cold days.
– A woollen hat: although you won’t need to wear this under your helmet.
– Ski Helmet: The cost of hiring a helmet is roughly half of the cost of buying one, so it makes much more sense for you to buy one, especially if you think you might be tempted not to hire one to save on costs.
– Ski Goggles: You can’t hire goggles so you’ll definitely need to buy these. It’s usually cheaper to buy them before you get to the resort.
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