Welcome to our Volunteering in Vietnam page. Search for free and low-cost volunteering in Vietnam below.

How to find volunteering opportunities in Vietnam
You can access these opportunities in two ways.
Your first option is to buy our Directory of Volunteering opportunities which lists these opportunities in a PDF. This gives you a document that is easy to search, and which you can use even when you’re not connected to the internet.
More importantly with the directory, you will also get a list of questions to ask to make sure you get the most out of your volunteering experience. We know how important it is to clarify expectations and to get a clear idea of what you’re signing up for before you volunteer. I know that there are opportunities we signed up for that didn’t end up being what we expected. A conversation with the hosts before we turned up would have helped us avoid a few uncomfortable situations. You can find our Directory of Volunteering opportunities abroad here.

The second option is to look for the opportunities below.
We consistently add new volunteering opportunities to each country so do check in regularly to find some great responsible volunteering opportunities abroad. We would also love your help in keeping this list up to date and useful. If you know of any other places that should be featured, or maybe you’ve visited a place and would like to share your story, please get in touch.
We really hope this information helps you volunteer abroad in a way that makes your travels feel meaningful and memorable.
Please read this article by the wonderful People and Places before volunteering: Key questions and answers before you volunteer
Organisation: Animals Asia
Location: Tam Dao, Vietnam
Website: Animals Asia
We operate bear sanctuaries in China and Vietnam where bears are rehabilitated and cared for and where our bear teams gather vital evidence of the effects of bile extraction. Our world-class bear rescue centres in Chengdu, China and Tam Dao, Vietnam provide the bears with comfortable dens and semi-natural enclosures where they are able to recover in safety and spend the remaining years of their lives in the company of other bears. To date, 400 farmed bears have been received into our care.
We are looking for trained veterinary nurses to volunteer at our Bear sanctuary in Vietnam. All veterinary volunteer placements require a commitment of at least three months.
Animals Asia can only accept applications from volunteers trained in either veterinary science/vet nursing or qualified in wild-animal management, as all hands-on work with the bears necessitates intensive training. Please contact us to find out more.