Welcome to our Volunteering in Bolivia Page. Below you will find free and low cost responsible volunteering in Bolivia.
Photo by: Matthew Straubmuller
How to find free volunteering opportunities abroad
You can access these opportunities in two ways.
Your first option is to buy our Directory of Volunteering opportunities which lists these opportunities in a PDF. This gives you a document that is easy to search, and which you can use even when you’re not connected to the internet.
More importantly with the directory you will also get a list of questions to ask to make sure you get the most out of your volunteering experience. We know how important it is to clarify expectations and to get a clear idea of what you’re signing up for before you volunteer. I know that there are opportunities we signed up for that didn’t end up being what we expected. A conversation with the hosts before we turned up would have helped us avoid a few uncomfortable situations. You can find our Directory of Volunteering opportunities abroad here.
The second option is to click on the continent you’re interested in volunteering in and you will find all the opportunities organised by country.
We consistently add new volunteering opportunities abroad so do check in regularly to find some great responsible volunteering opportunities abroad. We would also love your help in keeping this list up to date and useful. If you know of any other places that should be featured, or maybe you’ve visited a place and would like to share your story, please get in touch.
We really hope this information helps you volunteer abroad in a way that makes your travels feel meaningful and memorable.
Organisation: Senda Verde
Location: Yungas, Bolivia
Website: http://www.sendaverde.com/
As La Senda Verde is a privately run animal refuge, the help of Volunteers is extremely valuable to keep the refuge running at an optimal level. Whether 2 weeks or 2 months you will be welcomed. This is a fantastic opportunity to make friends from all over the world and from all walks of life!
It is always a bonus for the refuge if you have any specific skills to offer in the field of Veterinary, IT, Carpentry or any other area you think may be applicable.
Organisation: Funprobo
Location: La Paz, Bolivia
Website: https://funprobo.com/
Fundación Protesis para Bolivia (Prosthesis Foundation for Bolivia) is a registered non-profit foundation also known as Funprobo. We run the Centro de Miembros Artificiales (The Artificial Limbs Centre), or CMA, a prosthesis center in the Bolivian capital of La Paz. Working closely with Sending Out An SOS we provide new prosthetic limbs to any and all low-income Bolivian amputees.
Working at the CMA you might be one of several international volunteers working alongside our full time team of Bolivian technicians, manager and doctors. Time at the CMA is usually a varied and fulfilling experience for our volunteers. We are a close team and the atmosphere in the centre is friendly, with support there for you if you need it. There are often many patients around which keeps the centre busy and is a pleasant reminder of the importance of our work.
Organisation: APLAB Foundation
Location: La Paz, Bolivia
Website: Aplabolivia
“Amor por los Animales Bolivia”‘ (APLAB) means, Love for Animals Bolivia and is a non-profit foundation comprised of dedicated individuals who volunteer and are committed to making a positive change in the lives of Bolivian animals through education, political influence and volunteer work.
Aplab urgently needs a volunteer veterinarian who speaks basic Spanish to help them with their spray and neutering campaigns. They also need basic volunteers to help at their centre.
Organisation: Cedesol
Location: Cochabamba, Bolivia
Website: Cedesol
Internship Requirements
CEDESOL interns are:
- Self-starters who work well without supervision
- Able to communicate in at least basic Spanish
- Interested in and/or have experience in our field of work
- Committed to the aims of CEDESOL
- Computer literate
- Good team players
- Generally able to commit to an internship of at least two months (exceptions occur)
It also helps to have knowledge and experience in the following:
- Prior academic coursework in fields that relate to our goals
- Prior work, volunteer, or field experience, which demonstrates your ability to succeed with CEDESOL
- Basic understanding of what grassroots development entails and the difficulties associated
- Experience with cultural and economic diversity
To learn about the experiences of a few of our past volunteers, see our website above.
Organisation: Bolivian Parrots Conservation Foundation
Location: Sachojere, Bolivia
Website: Bolivian Parrots Conservation Foundation
The Blue-throated Macaw Conservation Project needs volunteer field assistants from August 2016 for an ongoing project with the Critically Endangered Blue-throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis) in the low-land savanna of Moxos, Bolivia. The Blue-throated Macaw is endemic to this region of Bolivia and only about 150 are left in the wild.
Volunteers field assistants will live at the Blue-throated Macaw Conservation Center, where there are captive Blue-throated macaws that are part of a breeding, training and reintroduction pilot study. Volunteers field assistants will help with the daily routines of the center as well as with research projects on other local parrot species.
To find out more, please visit our facebook page above. Thanks.